
Chinese version of Press-in retaining structures: a handbook was published

02 December, 2019 Publications
Chinese version of Press-in retaining structures: a handbook which edited by IPA and published in October 2019 by China Architecture and Building Press (CABP). The translation of English Handbook (Press-in retaining structures: a handbook (First edition 2016)) into Chinese was completed by the team of the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) led by IPA Director, Prof. Li-min Zhang. IPA also received support from Prof. Jian-min Zhang and Dr. Rui Wang from National Tsing Hua University on for reviewing the manuscript. 
This Handbook brings together essential and useful information related to design and construction practices of retaining structures by Press-in Method. The handbook also includes ample application examples of retaining structure construction projects in various parts of the world. This handbook is the first book to introduce the Press-in Method in Chinese and will be of interest to civil and geotechnical engineers with little or no experience of the Press-in Method. The target readers for this handbook are not only clients, engineers and designers but all practitioners on the field.

Details of  Handbook: