IPA Prospectus

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About  International Press-in Association (IPA)
The International Press-in Association (IPA) is a global academic organization dedicated to advancing "Press-in Engineering," a field that integrates geotechnical engineering, environmental engineering, mechanical engineering, measuring-surveying-monitoring engineering, and data and information processing. The IPA aims to combine theory and practice through industry-academia-government collaboration to elucidate the mechanisms of interaction between the ground and structures.
   Name of Association      International Press-in Association, IPA for short                      
Date of Establishment  16 February , 2007
Board Members  32                                                                  Organization
(February, 2025) 
Individual Members    654
Corporate Members       47                       Admission guidance
Student Members          82
Address Office in Minato-ku, Tokyo, Japan                     Inquiry


The Members of IPA Establishment at the Cambridge University in 2007

  • Establishing a worldwide network sharing an academic interest in the Press-in Method
  • Social contributions following academic development regarding the Press-in Method
  • Social contributions following human resource developments regarding the Press-in Method
  • Collection and distribution of technical information
  • Providing opportunities to publish research and case studies
  • Research to solve specific technical issues
 History of IPA
  • Honorary President, Successive Presidents and Secretaries-General
  • History
          Details: https://www.press-in.org/en/page/history