Serial reports

“RED HILL 1967TM” Press-in Technology Dissemination Hub
Title Author Volume
 "RED HILL 1967TM” Press-in Technology Dissemination Hub -Part 2- Mr. Tsunenobu Nozaki Vol. 9,1
 “RED HILL 1967TM” Press-in Technology Dissemination Hub -Part 1-
Mr. Tsunenobu Nozaki
Vol. 8,4
 History of Cambridge - GIKEN collaboration Research
Title Author Volume
 History of Cambridge - GIKEN collaboration research (Part 1- Part 3)
Mr. Yukihiro Ishihara
Dr. Stuart Haigh
 History of Cambridge - GIKEN collaboration research (Part3)
Mr. Yukihiro Ishihara
Dr. Stuart Haigh
Vol. 3,3
 History of Cambridge - GIKEN collaboration research (Part2)
Mr. Yukihiro Ishihara
Dr. Stuart Haigh
Vol. 3,1
 History of Cambridge ―GIKEN collaboration research (Part1)
Mr. Yukihiro Ishihara
Dr. Stuart Haigh
Vol. 2,2
Terminologies in Press-in Engineering
Title Author Volume
 Terminologies in Press-in Engineering (Part 1 - Part 6) IPA Secretariat -
 Terminologies in Press-in Engineering (Part 6) IPA Secretariat Vol. 4,3
 Terminologies in Press-in Engineering (Part 5) IPA Secretariat Vol. 4,2
 Terminologies in Press-in Engineering (Part 4) IPA Secretariat Vol. 4,1
 Terminologies in Press-in Engineering (Part 3) IPA Secretariat Vol. 3,3
 Terminologies in Press-in Engineering (Part 2)
IPA Secretariat
Vol. 3,2
 Terminologies in Press-in Engineering (Part 1)
IPA Secretariat
Vol. 2,1
Report from USA
Title Author Volume
 Geotechnical and Foundation Engineering Societies and Industry Associations in the United States (Part 2) Mr. Takefumi Takuma Vol. 7,2
 Geotechnical and Foundation Engineering Societies and Industry Associations in the United States (Part1) Mr. Takefumi Takuma Vol. 6,1
 Improving Florida’s Drainage Channels with Pressed-in Sheet Piles Mr. Takefumi Takuma
Mr. Shigeru Kambe
Vol. 5,2
 Applications of the Press-in Piling Method to Emergency Bridge       
 Foundation Repair
Mr. Takefumi Takuma Vol. 4,4
 Mitigation of Sinkholes with Press-in Piles Mr. Takefumi Takuma Vol. 4,3
 Riverine Levee Improvements in Densely Populated Areas with Press-in
 Piling Method
Mr. Takefumi Takuma Vol. 4,2
  How is Florida Dealing with the Rising Sea Level? Mr. Takefumi Takuma Vol. 4,1
Development History of SILENT PILER
Title Author Volume
  Development History of SILENT PILER (Part 3) Mr. Yukihiro Ishihara Vol. 6,1
  Development History of SILENT PILER (Part 2) Mr. Masaaki Ono Vol. 5,4
  Development History of SILENT PILER (Part 1) Mr. Masaaki Ono Vol. 5,3
Interview Report
Title Author Volume
 日本語版:油圧式杭圧入工法を用いた鋼製山留壁の合成本設擁壁への適用 Mr. Tsunenobu Nozaki Vol. 9,3
 日本語版:開削施工の合理化:鋼矢板を用いた高剛性壁体構築工法に関する取材報告―頭部固定式二重土留め工法の概要および適用例 Mr. Tsunenobu Nozaki Vol. 8,2
Mr. Tsunenobu Nozaki Vol. 7,4